Written by: ICAN Patron Freya Locke of Locke's Dogs Behaviourist & Trainer Fun Not Fear
I first came across ICAN back in 2017 while studying with an ICAN organisation.
As someone who was relatively new to canine behaviour, I needed all the knowledge and support I could get, and being part of the ICAN family helped me to not only find knowledge and resources that helped me to get through my studies, but also provided me with a group of knowledgeable peers with whom I could discuss my work cases once I was ready to take on clients.

Freya Locke of Locke's Dogs and one of ICAN's Patrons!
ICAN not only welcomed me into the fold, but also my family. As a single mother with children (now adults) who have SEN (special education needs), on the verge of a new career path, it was vital to me to have people around me who supported me. When my son chose to do his work experience with me, the team at ICAN even organised for him to write and then have his own webinar, which was an amazing experience for him to tell his teachers about back at school.
Some of my very best friends have materialised through my involvement with ICAN, and many opportunities have also come my way that taught me the kind of dog professional I want to be.
ICAN is very strict on who is allowed to join the organisation and display the ICAN badge. Only those who have proven themselves force-free and reward based in their methods and ethics can have the honour of being an ICAN member. It is a logo you can trust.
I was lucky enough to be involved on a professional level with some other canine behaviour organisations along the way and was honoured to be asked to become a co-coordinator of ICAN once ICAN began to evolve into the organisation that it is today.
My own non-profit,The Dog Welfare Alliance, which was gifted to me by its founder Lisa Tenzin-Dolma remains very proud of being one of the original ICAN organisations and is now an ICAN Charity Member. ICAN has now branched out into accepting individual members too.
With the help and support of ICAN co-coordinators Taryn and Ruby, I stayed in that role for two years and learned a lot about the goings on behind the scenes, and the work involved in running such an enormous organisation.
As with all things, my position as co-coordinator came to an end, when I had to put some personal things in my own life first and create a better work/life balance, however I remain on very close terms with my dear friends Taryn and Ruby and was extremely honoured to be asked to become a Patron of ICAN.
Being a Patron means that I can still be a part of an organisation that I hold very dear and give back to ICAN some of the support and love the ICAN family have shown me and my family.

Freya's very happy and much loved Springador, Twyla!
If you are an accredited organization, certified force-free professional, or a force-free charity who puts WELFARE FIRST- contact ICAN co-coordinators Taryn and Ruby at ican.coordinators@gmail.com or go to CONTACT US at our website